Dealing with Entries

Here, we are going to learn how to deal with registry entries by using “ring_wincreg” extension capabilities through RCRegistry class library.

Create Entry

We can create an empty entry using Create() function. This function accepts one parameter which is the type of entry to be created. If the entry is already existed this function will return error message.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])




Creating an empty entry with Create() function will initialize it with nil value of the corresponding data type.


Default entry is considered not existed if it is still not set. So if we use Create() function it will be initialized with value of corresponding data type.

We can indirectly create any entry by using those functions that set the values for each data type.(Set Value) So that we can create any entry by initially setting any value to it as follow:

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

Reg["AppStyle"].SetValue("Normal Style")



Entry Existence

We can check whether a specific entry is existed or not using Exists() function as follow:

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

If Reg["AppStyle"].Exists() = True
        See "AppStyle is existed in MyApp key"


Get Entry

We can get one entry from any opened key, if it contains any, by using GetEntryAt() and GetEntryName() functions.

GetEntryAt() Function

This function will return a key handle by its index so that we can not deal with it as string with all other function but we can use GetEntryName() function to get it is string.

This function actually used in case that we want to transfer a whole entry containing its all properties within “ring_wincreg” extension from one key to attach it to another (ex. copy).

Load "wincreg.ring"

DestReg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp2"])

New RCRegistry {

        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

        EntryH = GetEntryAt(1)

        CopyTo(EntryH, DestReg.Key)




GetEntryName() Function

This function is used to get the name of an entry handle that could be retrieved by GetEntryAt() function.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

EntryH = Reg.GetEntryAt(1)

See "The retrieved entry name is : " + Reg.GetEntryName(EntryH)


Entries Count

We may need to know the total number of values/entries within the opened key. This could be done by using EntriesCount() function.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry

Reg.OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

See "The total number of entries are : " + Reg.EntriesCount()


Get All Entries

We can get a list of all entries contained in an opened key by using GetEntries() function as follow:

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

aList = Reg.GetEntries()

See "These are the entries that are contained in MyApp" + NL
See aList


Access the default entry

We can access the default entry that is present in each key in the registry tree by passing empty string as an entry name

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

See "Setting the default entry value >>> " + NL

Reg[""].SetValue("default entry value")

See "The value of default entry is : " + Reg[""].GetValue()



Default entry is of (REG_SZ) data type by default but it can take any data type by setting the value using the data type specific functions. (Set Value)

Copy Entries

We can copy an entry or the whole list of entries in an opened key to another key by using CopyTo() and CopyAllTo() functions.

CopyTo() Function

This function has two instances one can be used to copy an entry by passing its handle GetEntryAt() Function, the other is used to copy any entry by using its name.

Here is an example of the second instance of CopyTo() function.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])

DestReg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp2"])


See "The value of the copied AppVersion entry is : " + DestReg["AppVersion"].GetValue()



CopyAllTo() Function

This function can copy all of the opened key entries to another one.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

DestReg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp2"]) }


See "The copied entries are : " + NL

See DestReg.GetEntries()



Rename Entry

We can rename any entry by using Rename() function. The new name should be passed as a parameter to Rename() function.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry {
        OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"])



Checking Entry Type

We can check a specific entry for it is type by some useful functions. These functions are:

  1. IsString() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_SZ) type.
  2. IsDWORD() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_DWORD) type.
  3. IsMultiString() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_MULTI_SZ) type.
  4. IsExpandSZ() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_EXPAND_SZ) type.
  5. IsQWORD() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_QWORD) type.
  6. IsBinary() function : return True if the entry is of (REG_BINARY) type.


Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

If Reg["AppPath"].IsString() = True
        See Reg["AppPath"].GetValue()


Get Entry Type

We can get the type of entry directly from registry by using Type() and TypeName() functions.

Type() Function

The registry entries types are known with specific numbers so that using Type() function will return a number of the type of the specified entry.

There are predefined Registry types constants in the “wincreg.rh” header file that may be used for comparison with this function return.


Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

If Reg["AppVersion"].Type() = REG_SZ
        See "This (AppVersion) entry is of (REG_SZ) type"


TypeName() Function

This function return the type name of a specified entry as a string.

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

See "The type of (AppVersion) entry is : " + Reg["AppVersion"].TypeName()


Clear Entry

We can clear the content of any data type entry by using Clear() function as follow:

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }

See "The old logo is : " + Reg["AppLogo"].GetValue() + NL


Reg["AppLogo"].SetValue("We are in your eye's TRUST")

See "The new logo is : " + Reg["AppLogo"].GetValue()


Delete Entry

We can delete any entry that is not needed by using Delete() function as follow:

Load "wincreg.ring"

Reg = New RCRegistry { OpenKey([HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\MyApp"]) }


See "NewEntry has been created" + NL


See "NewEntry has been deleted"



We can use this function with default entry to clear its content and restore its default data type (REG_SZ).